DVI's Aircraft Accident Reconstruction Expert Witnesses
DVI's Aviation Expert Witnesses are like anchor newscasters; they are seasoned veterans, with a command of all the facts, and have a cast of supporting specialists.
The quality and outcome of either settling, litigating, or closing a case or claim can depend on the choice of the Aviation Expert Witness, because aircraft accident litigation is driven by the accurate and reliable reconstruction of the accident or incident.
Choice of an Aviation Expert Witness can depend on:
- Nature of the accident
- Pedigree of the Expert Witness
- Experience of the Expert Witness
- Budget
Many aircraft accident investigations begin with the use of an Aviation Expert Witness that is considered to be a generalist in order to sort out the pertinent technical details. The baseline experience for an Aviation Expert Witness that is a generalist should include all of the following:
- Piloting and Human Factors experience, including being a Certified Flight Instructor (CFI)
- Certified Aircraft Mechanic (A&P) with FAA Inspection Authorization (IA)
- Education, Experience, and Training in the Aeronautical Sciences, Physics, Material Science, Failure Analysis, and Investigative Techniques
- Real-World Industry Experience
An Expert Witness that is a generalist can effectively evaluate the Human-Machine-Environment. DVI's Aircraft Crash Experts have broad backgrounds in science, piloting, and aircraft maintenance, and our experience fosters a holistic approach to understanding the dynamics of an air crash. This in turn, often saves the client's time and energy in determining the technical direction a case might take.Whereas a specialist, can only focus on one particular aspect of the accident. Specialists, are very important in their contribution, but should be brought into an investigation after a generalist has evaluated the accident.

What you should expect from your Aviation Expert Witness:
- Leadership to accurately define the problem and the steps to move forward with the investigation.
- The use of science based methodologies.
- An understanding of how the technical and legal aspects of the case combine.
- Ability to provide an estimated budget and not spend unnecessary time/money on the case.
- Communication skills to explain the accident in an easy and cohesive manner.
DVI's Aviation Expert Witnesses (Specialists)
DVI has a broad spectrum of Aviation Specialists which when appropriate, can be retained to gain a deeper understanding of a particular issue. Specialists within our Aviation Accident Expert Witness bailiwick include:
- Autopilots and Avionics Experts
- FAA Certification Experts
- Composite Materials Experts
- FAA Experts
- Fires and Explosions Experts
- Human Factors Experts
- Metallurgical and Material Experts
- Pilot Experts
- Flight Test Engineers
- Aircraft Maintenance and Repair Experts
- Aircraft Propeller Experts
- Jet Engine Experts
- Ground Equipment Experts
- Airport Design Experts
- Aircraft Design Experts
- Jet Bridge Experts
- Aircraft Corrosion Experts
- Tribology Experts
- Radar and ATC Experts
- Weather Experts
Aircraft accident reconstruction is multi-disciplinary by nature. DVI's Aviation Expert Witnesses have the leadership, experience, and the wherewithal to effectively manage complex investigations.